Global Hope's Constitution:

Global Hope will be the instrument that will open the pathway to all mankind in the unification to eradicate FAMINE, SICKNESS and POVERTY within the 21st Century.
The appointed trustee's duties will be a dedication, without personal gain, the motivation of distributing all donated and raised funds around the globe equally without any racial or religious discrimination to fellow human beings, all members and trustees of Global Hope will uphold in honoring their dedication to the preservation and help to human beings, a unity where it will help fellow man to battle against natural catastrophes and fight to avoid future mankind disasters.

About Us:

This Organization was founded in 1981, at the time when the tribute concert in the memory of BOB MARLEY was organised. Not only was the concert brought to life to pay tribute to the late legend but also to raise funds for the above named Charity which was set up from one person's idea, to unite people globally to fight World Poverty. The idea came about when Tony Michael, one of the first white Caucasian person in United Kingdom involved in Reggae Music in the mid 70's, his involvement entailed promoting and managing up and coming bands and solo Reggae singers, aiding them to achieve recognition during the era of the 70's and 80's, in which time the black community faced racial discrimination in all industries daily.

The death of BOB MARLEY, the strongest influence in the Reggae and Rastafarian movement, led Tony Michael to put into motion his idea.
A Tribute Concert with live performances of internationally famed Reggae bands and solo Singers was organised on the day of Bob Marley's state funeral in Nine Mile/Jamaica on the 21st of May 1981. 
The tribute concert enabled fans and followers of Rastafarian culture, Reggae and Bob Marley's music to pay homage and respect to a man who broadened the minds of people across the globe and gave Reggae and the Rasta movement recognition worldwide.

The venue initially intended for the tribute concert was to be Wembley Stadium in London, however due to the racial riots taking place at that time in England, permission and licence for the event to take place at this location was refused by the governing authorities, it was only through much persistence and negotiations with the authorities that Tony Michael managed to single-highhandedly obtain the necessary licence and was able to carry out his vision in a smaller venue; ABC Theater on Stoke Newington High Street. 

The original idea, created by Tony Michael, was to be a PATHWAY in the UNIFICATION of MANKIND and to bind together the ERADICATION of FAMINE-SICKNESS and POVERTY within the 21st CENTURY.

Due to Bob Marley’s strong connections with Ethiopia and Haile Selassie, all profits and donations from the tribute concert was to be allocated to the African countries, mainly Ethiopia, hence the original idea of the Band Aid; during 1981 Tony Michael as an entrepreneur was acquainted with Paula Yates and also involved with ethnic community relations which brought him into contact with a variety of influential people, including Local and national MP’s, political party councilors, Mayors of various councils, and high ranking law enforcers.

Global Hope Charity is under the umbrella of  G.Hope Limited.


Warning: Any persons or company that copies the inventions of Global Hope Charity Organisation or its ideas and purposes or similarities to it, past present or future will be prosecuted and sued to its fullest extent.

Copyright © Tony Michael. All rights reserved.